Search Results
Dispo POCUS: How POCUS can improve your metrics
POCUS and Patient Value
POCUS for PS | Deaths OTC Meds | ED Sepsis Teams | Dispo Early v Late | New ASA Difficult Airway
Ep 163 Acute Heart Failure ED Management – PoCUS, Oxygenation Strategies, Medication Strategies, ...
Ep 197 Acute Heart Failure Risk Stratification and Disposition
Ep 150 Acute Kidney Injury – A Simple Emergency Approach to AKI
Can You See Me Now?
Webinar: An Introduction to VExUS
Functional Diaphragm Assessment: Role of POCUS by Dr. Christie Glau
IVC ultrasound and Volume Responsiveness with Rory Spiegel
Ep 172 Syncope Simplified with David Carr
EM Quick Hits 35 – 10 Best Papers of 2021, Peripartum Cardiomyopathy, Crashing Asthmatic, Febrile...